Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trafficking in the Show Biz

I'm watching CSI:  Special Victims Unit.  This episode is about a Ukrainian girl being trafficked in New York.  Yes, this type of thing happens.  Girls from Eastern Europe are transported to U.S. to be drugged in brothels.  It's true, but this is not the only face of trafficking. 
Trafficking takes place all over the world, and a majority of the time poverty is a contributing factor that forces or coerse women into trafficking.  In Thailand, poor women from Laos come to the brothels looking for work, some of them knowing what is entailed.  Some just think the women think that they're becoming waitresses or bartenders, but most of the time these women are expected to go home with customers if they are requested.

Across the world, in the United States teens or young children are trafficked on the streets.  Homeless children are very much at risk for being trafficked, whether by pimps or even there own parents.  According to Kimberly Kotrla at least 100,000 children are being trafficked various ways from pornography, prostitution, stripping or other sexual services.  She also pointed to the fact that 70 percent of prostitutes join the sex industry before they are 18.  In fact one prostitute atested to this in Kotrla's article.:

"We’re all under 18.  We’re all the same age.  There would be a few girls I knew who were in their 20s or whatever, but they were doing it since our age anyways.  I did wait till 12, and these girls had been doing it since they were eight or nine and now they are like 23."

These kinds of acts take place everywhere, and trafficking isn't only what they portray in the movies and on TV.  It has many facets.


  1. have you ever heard of Christine Claire? she is a huge advocate against human trafficking

  2. My church is doing a lot of fundraising against human trafficking. It is a major problem that I believe everyone should be aware of.

  3. No, Shawndra, I haven't hear of her yet, but I will most definitely look her up now! :) And yes, trafficking is an issue that is growing. It is second in international organized crime, and only to drugs. It's an issue that we need to address domestically and abroad.
