Tuesday, April 26, 2011

India for jobs anyone?

The recession is an unrelenting beast that's tearing at my current job...you know, the one waiting tables.  The other day I walked out of there with $5.  Does that tell you anything?  And even if people do come out and we're busy, I still make half of what I made four years ago as a college freshman who knew absolutely nothing about waiting tables.

I need money.  I eat maybe once a day.  I barely pay my bills.  I buy clothes and makeup because my mom lends me money.  You know me, I can't let my looks go away all together.  I'm forever exhausted, and there is never enough time to breathe, let alone sleep.

I am looking for any job that I can make a decent amount on, not $10,000 a year.  From the looks of it, a foreign correspondent in India makes more, and it sure does sound like more fun.  I want to be done with this part, but I'm not even sure if I'm graduating this semester.

In India, my discipline is growing phenomenally.  Here it's dying tragically with thousands of readers losing interest or passing away.  The future of the newspaper is in the hands of baby boomers who are retiring and even dying.  Younger people are looking elsewhere for their news.  Definitely not in places where it costs to obtain credible information.  This is depressing to me.  Knowledge is the base of our democracy...and most of us really don't want to know.  We just want to feel.  I want to go somewhere on the other side of the world.  I want to be where people are hungry for words, and even hungrier for the knowledge that feeds a democracy.  Can I become one of them?  Can I be a part of something big that is happening now?  The things that are happening here are falling on deaf ears.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Voy a Puerto Vallarta

¿Cómo se dice I'm excited?  Reservations are set for July 31, 2011 for a six day, five night stay at the Fiesta Americana resort.  My passport is being processed, and I'm presently nagging my fiance to renew his.  My mother is very worried about me, and she says that Mexico is a dangerous place to be.  Up north by the border, most certainly.  And I'm sure there are dangers, but I think traveling internationally always poses its hazards. 

We will be flying, and the trip itself doesn't cost half as much as our plane tickets.  That's the sad part.  But I am holding on to the thought of this trip to get me through the next couple of weeks, for sure.  It's my happiness and I am trying to push out the thoughts of stresses school and wedding related.  It's life.

No puedo esperar para ir.  I have been asking my friendly Hispanic and Guatemalan friends about words and phrases.  Praise God.  The end is near.  Now, I only need a job.  But I think I'm going to post some rules about traveling and safety in Mexico and trafficking hazards that might possibly be there.  Keep in touch!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pimping 15-year-olds? Wow.

I got this stories off of ABC news online.  Sounds incredibly like the Elizabeth Smart story, you know the one of the girl who was abducted to be a sex slave for a creepy couple.  Ugh.  It makes me very sad.


I used to be a gullible person, too, and at the age of 15, I definitely was. Offers of modeling and show business, fellow children who pretend to be your friends and push you into a car...would you fall for it?  I can't imagine how long it would take for a little girl like that to recover from such a terrible and frightening tragedy.  How would  someone move on?  Mine was only one night blurred in pieces and fragments of memories, but several months or even years of captivation?  My mind couldn't even fathom.