Friday, May 6, 2011

Final Questions

1.  Blogging is an important way to catch the attention of younger readers.  My generation is more likely to hear of news on Facebook and Twitter than in a newspaper or on cable.  Blogging is a way to draw the reader in with a more personalized style and writing.  Blogging is more flexible, and it may be journalisms new medium within the next 20 years.

2.  I will still blog.  I have a passion for women, and I will dedicate myself to having a job that would help women who are in abusive situations.  I love writing blogs, and now that I've quite Outback, I'll have more time to research feminist issues.

3.  If I were to change it, I would make my subject broader than sexual abuses, to abuses against women in general.  That way I would have more information to write about, and I could cover an array of subjects.